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Assiniboine Dictionary

Searching for English word(s): bird

Assiniboine pos English
ȟubókiyastastagana N

1. a wading bird that is a little larger than a meadowlark, with black and white wings

examples, etc.
įjápšįpšįna N

1. a swallow (bird)

examples, etc.
įyáge N

1. a bird wing

examples, etc.
įyágeǧi N

1. yellow hooded blackbird

examples, etc.
įštá mnéza VI

1. to be sharp-eyed, sharp-sighted, as a bird or a person who can see far or can read fine print under dark conditions

examples, etc.
šiyága N

1. a small diving bird; a small duck with a white streak over the head; kind of duck not eaten

examples, etc.
šiyáktąga N

1. a larger diving bird, such as a cormorant or loon

examples, etc.
šiyóšųga N

1. a bird dog, hunting dog

examples, etc.
škumná VS

1. to be a singed odor, as of a plucked bird that has been singed

examples, etc.
škíškija wągá hotų́ VI

1. to whistle, make a shrieking sound repetitively, as a bird of prey makes

examples, etc.
šąhą́wįwįna N

1. A dark grayish bird witha white stripe on its breast and white spots on its wings. It flies in bunches.

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šųpá VI

1. to molt; a molting bird, molting duck

examples, etc.
1-20 21-40 41-60 61-72
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