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Assiniboine Dictionary

Searching for English word(s): bird

Assiniboine pos English
hoyáze VI

1. to fish with the mouth, as a bird

examples, etc.
imógijiȟʾabe N

1. animal skin, bird skin or other object used during a gathering of the medicine men to shoot medicine into another person

examples, etc.
iyáhą VI-Y

1. to land, set down on the ground, as a bird or an airplane

examples, etc.
iyópsipsija VI

1. jump along, hop, as birds do

examples, etc.
kiyáhą VI

1. return to a nest, land in a nest; alight, as a flying bird

examples, etc.
mokám yeyá VT

1. to shoot and hit or strike while a target is in motion, as a man running or jumping or a bird flying

examples, etc.
mosíja VT

3. to make bare by shooting, as the hair of an animal or feathers of a bird

examples, etc.
moȟpá VT

1. to shoot off from a height, as a bird from a limb. or fruit in a tree, or a ram on a high ledge; to shoot down , as a bird in the air; to knock out of the air by shooting

examples, etc.
pasú N

2. bird's bill

examples, etc.
paǧų́nǧųdana N

2. a small wading bird

examples, etc.
peǧí N

1. a yellow-hooded blackbird

examples, etc.
sįdéʾųbi N

1. bird's tail

examples, etc.
wacónica N

1. dried meat (animal, bird, even buffalo or cow's lungs)

examples, etc.
wagáȟpa VT

2. to scare up, as birds in brush

examples, etc.
wagíyą N

1. thunderbird; thunder beings

examples, etc.
wagíyąbi N

1. birds, ones that fly

examples, etc.
wahóȟpi N

1. a nest; a bird's nest

examples, etc.
wapáǧi N

1. yellow-hooded blackbird

examples, etc.
wapáǧi N

2. red headed blackbird

examples, etc.
wasną́snąheja [wasną́snąhejA] N

1. kingbird

examples, etc.
1-20 21-40 41-60 61-72
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