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Assiniboine Dictionary

Searching for English word(s): lake

Assiniboine pos English
miníšmą N

1. Deep Lake, Sask

examples, etc.
mnecą́ áknąga N

1. Dry Lake, Margaret Lake, Sask

examples, etc.
ohókuwa N

1. The Fishing Lakes (near Fort Qu'Appelle, Sask.)

examples, etc.
najúsina VI

1. to get smaller, diminish in size of its own accord, as a lake drying up or a car driving off and appearing progressively smaller

examples, etc.
minítąga N

1. a lake

examples, etc.
mnétąga N

1. a lake

examples, etc.
wagą́ganati wakpá N

1. Old Wives Lake

examples, etc.
štušténa miní N

1. salty water; a salt lake

examples, etc.
wažúšteja miní N

1. Strawberry Lake, Saskatchewan

examples, etc.
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