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Skiri Pawnee Dictionary

Skiri Pawnee pos English
hukaatawiʾat VI

go or walk along the bank of a body of water, as a creek, river, lake, or pool; walk along the edge of water; walk along a beach

hukaata-wi+at go along a bank of a body of water
Grammatical Forms:
hukaataʾiwarii distr.: go around, walk around along a bank of a stream
Paradigmatic Forms:
tátukaatawìʾat I'm walking along a stream bank
tíhukaàtawiʾat he's walking along the bank of a stream; he went along the stream bank; he walked along the beach
tíhukaataʾìwariʾ he's going around, walking around on the bank of a stream
tíraarukaataʾìwariʾ they're walking along the water's edge

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