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Skiri Pawnee Dictionary

Searching for English word(s): bird

Skiri Pawnee pos English
ráhkisiituʾ N

1. bird nest

examples, etc. sound file view image(s)
ríkuckaatiit N

1. black bird, as a blackbird or black eagle

examples, etc. sound file view image(s)
ríkucki [ríkutski] N

1. bird

examples, etc. sound file
ríkuckirikuhki [ríkutskI`rIkuhki] N

1. any large bird that characteristically moves its head around, esp. domestic fowl like the chicken or turkey

examples, etc. sound file view image(s)
ríkucpakakariʾ [ríkutspE`kEkE`riʾ] N

1. mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos)

examples, etc. sound file view image(s)
ríkuctariiʾus [ríkutstEriiʾus, rikútstEriiʾus] N

1. bluebird (Sialia sialis)

examples, etc. sound file view image(s)
ríkuhcawiitakaaruʾ [ríkuhcEwiìtEkaaruʾ] N

1. hummingbird (Trochilidae)

examples, etc. sound file
ríkuhcihariʾ N

1. chick, baby bird

examples, etc. sound file
ríkuhcihariʾ N

1. young bird, chick

examples, etc. sound file
tawiitik VI

1. light, alight, perch; alight on, perch on, land on, as a bird on a tree or wire

examples, etc.
uhuhtaakahak (ut...) VI

1. fly in a circle, circle around flying, as a large bird or airplane

examples, etc.
uhuhtakaahak VI

1. fly down, swoop down, stoop, as a bird pursuing prey; drop down, as a helicopter

examples, etc.
uhuhtiraahawiitik (ut...) VI

1. fly at an angle, slanting to one side, or sideways, as when a large bird turns

examples, etc.
uhuraar (ut...) VI

2. change position, as the position or angle of a flying bird

examples, etc.
uhuriirik (ut...) VT

1. see movement, as that of a person or the flight of a bird

examples, etc.
uhuurawacitik VI

2. fly out, fly outside, as a bird in a room

examples, etc.
uhuurawacitiksa (ir...) VI

2. come flying out, flying outside, as a bird in a room

examples, etc.
uhuururahwiʾa (ir...) VI

1. come flying, swooping, or sweeping close to the ground, as a bird swooping down on prey

examples, etc.
uhuururahwiʾat VI

1. fly, swoop, or sweep close to the ground, as a bird swooping down on prey

examples, etc.
uʾat VI

1. fly in a line; fly over, fly by, fly off, as a bird or airplane

examples, etc.
1-20 21-40 41-60 61-65
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