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Skiri Pawnee Dictionary

Searching for English word(s): bird

Skiri Pawnee pos English
aakapahaʾa (ir...) VT

1. scatter, drive off, as a group of animals or birds; stampede, as horses or cattle

examples, etc.
aakapáhaʾa (ir...) VT

1. scatter, drive off, run off, frighten off, as animals, birds, or humans

examples, etc.
awarii VI

1. fly around, as a bird

examples, etc.
awihaakawahc VI

1. eat in a pecking fashion, as a bird

examples, etc.
awihiwihc (ur...) VI

2. fly into sight, appear flying, as a bird or airplane

examples, etc.
awihiwihc (ur...) VP

3. appear flying, fly into sight, as a bird or plane

examples, etc.
awihurahac VI

2. fly out of sight, as a bird

examples, etc.
awihurahwiʾa (ir...) VI

1. come flying, swooping, or sweeping close to the ground, as a bird swooping down on prey

examples, etc.
awihurahwiʾat VI

1. fly, swoop, or sweep close to the ground, as a bird swooping down on prey

examples, etc.
awihuruusik VI

2. vanish in flight, as a bird

examples, etc.
awihuruusiksat VI

1. movement to vanish or disappear, as the flight of a bird

examples, etc.
awikaksaahusa (ir...) VI

1. call out as one comes flying, a ref. to a bird

examples, etc.
awikatawihak VI

1. fly around inside, as a bird inside a dwelling or cage

examples, etc.
awikatíriitik VI

1. soar, fly high above in the sky; glide in the sky, fly slowly through the air, as a hawk or eagle; a ref. to a large bird

examples, etc.
awikawatak VI

2. fly out, as a bird from a cage; run out, run into the open, as from inside a dwelling

examples, etc.
awikátasa VI

1. soar, fly high in the sky, fly against the vault of the Heavens, as an eagle or hawk; a ref. to a large bird

examples, etc.
awiʾiisat VI

1. fly out of sight, as a bird or airplane

examples, etc.
cakíraʾ [cəkίrəʾ] N

1. kingbird (Tyrannus carolinensis)

examples, etc. sound file view image(s)
ckustaáruʾ [tskustá:ruʾ] N

1. bird's tail, tail of a fowl

examples, etc. sound file
ckuucáku [tsku:cə́ku] N

1. blunt arrow, as used by boys when playing and shooting birds

examples, etc. sound file
1-20 21-40 41-60 61-65
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