XML version dated April 01, 2004. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.

Istu kutahaa’iituskawariksta irikutpakararuurikuku .
Again I am going to put in a story that which takes my voice .
Witiraa’iituu’us tirataraakitat Paári ákitaaru’ raa’iituspákuhtu’ irií
It is a story our village Pawnee tribe old story that
raárit iriikuhatukstaktu’   kici táticka’ ruutuciraa’u’ caskii’it
really that is how it used to be , but I think it's alright a little
ku’ituraa’iitustaawikataku kíriku’ kararakuraa’iitusurahaacu .
if I put down a story some a story not to be forgotten .
Ráwa riituraa’iiwaatista ahatukstaatawikuuki rátaraakuki
Now I am going to relate the story a way we had among us our (people)
ruuriirakuukiihaara   riiruurakuuraa’u .
different dances , different ways .

Hi ásku ahukstaatawi’ .
And one there was a dance .
Ahikspakiiusuku si’ahiksuucawisuusuku riwiti’ Raakúraa’u’ .
They used to say when they used to have dances it was the one Doctor Dance .
Hi rihwaki’aahu’ ruu’ahuciraawítawe ahuksuriiwaawi Kiitspiirahaatus .
And they say it was the last dance those living Beaver Creek .
A ahíkspaki’aahu’ Paaháku ruuwituciraawíta
And they say Fremont, Nebraska it was at the last dance
tiracihku ákitaaru’ sihiihaa’iiwicata rahuráhki
this one of ours tribe the last way that they went to see animals
wiruu’ahiiruurakaawi   cáhiks si’ahiirahuukata .
their having had a den there , a person their having taken him in .
Cáhiks ahiitacikskaapaakis tiraraaku raakúraa’u’ .
The person he was blessed with it this way doctoring way .
Piíta witúksasá’ Pacá’a .
The man he was named Pacha .

Wikuuhukspaariispari’ .
Now he was going hunting .
Hiru rikuhaawicat Paaháku .
There he arrived at Pahaku .
Hi ahawaaháku Paaháku .
And it was a mound in the water Pahaku .
Kaakiihawaahaku   kici witawaawi’a’ .
It was not an island , but there is a cliff overhang .
Hi ahahaáhka .
And it was a dropoff .

Hi ahahuuwiicawiitit   hi ahuuhaa’iiriku’ tirakiicuhat
And he sat down on the edge , and he was looking at it this river
Kíckatus ahakickaatawíhaku hi ahuuhaa’iirit
Platte River as the water passed against the bank and he looked at them
pasakípiriiru’ i’ahahaattaarawiiwari .
young cottonwood trees as the trees were swaying .
Hici ahuhaakiriku i’ahattaarawiiwari .
And he was watching the trees as the trees swayed .
Hi witaruutasitit irahaapaawi pasakípiriiru’ rakíripahki
And it would happen those trees young cottonwood trees small ones
wituutattaaruuwiitiku’   hi istu
the trees were bending in the water , and again
wituuhattaarawaahat .
the trees would come upright .
A raawituhattahtsa istu .
And they would just stand up again .
Pítku kiíwaks si’ahaawari’ .
Two ducks they (du) were swimming .
Si’ahuutawihuuwiitiku’ .
They (du) were diving down .
Hi iraáku hi ahariiwataari’ hiru iraahkiicuuta .
And that one and he was looking there that river .

Hi ahariiwátira ruu iraahkícuuta   hicta’aahii’i hi
And as he was looking around there that river , nevertheless and
istú ahakirittarawu ti’irii’ahuutasitiku rii’ahahuuwiícaku .
again he drew his eyes to it there where it was happening on the bank .
Iriikúruuhiraáwi’u’ ahuútasitit .
It was about that time it happened .
Karawitaaraá’ita .
He did not know .
Ruuwitúraahiwic wihiru ahiíriki hiru ahahiiwatuuruhat .
Then all at once there its standing there there was an entrance .
Wiruu’ahiírit hiíwatuhkat .
There it stood in the entrance .

Hiru ahiwáku’     Ráwa witasíhwica’ .
Then he said : ' Now you have come .
Tiwiriícihwaarit .
Here we stand .
  Iraáriki ruu’ahiiciciírasa’ .
" That one then it took him .
Ráhurahki rikuwiti’ ahuucirasaa kira karataraapaki’aahu’
An animal it was the one its taking him let us call it
asáhi .
a water dog .
Karawituuruksiwa riruuki rahúrahki .
They were not good that kind animals .
Tihwaki’aahu’ kiictikucu’ riitiirit hi riiwícka’
They say far away if he sees you and he wants
rihkuriictahkaruuwati .
to take out your intestines .
Rii’aariiharúru’ kukararaakuuraa’iitawi .
That is what he did to him his not knowing it .

A tíraariki rahúrahki ahiwáku’     Ráwa   kúraa’u’  
And this one animal he said : ' Now , doctors ,
iwisiriisuutiirit iraáriki .
you see him now that one .
Rikuhastápakitsta iriwiruutasiraakitawi’ .
Whatever you are going to say you'll be the ones in authority .

Kítuu’u’ wituraawi’uusit i’ahuutasawaahat irii’ahuúki kúraa’u’ .
All it became still those standing around all those doctors .
Hi ahuúta íraariki ahariiwátaara .
And he did it that one his looking around .
Wiruu’ahuciisawaahat iriiruurakuurahuraaru rihwakiihu
There they were sitting around their being all different kinds their saying
kúruks   riruurákucii’uu’a kúruks   rakúpahaatu a
bears , its being different kinds bears , red and
rakútaakaara   a kúrukskaatit .
white , and black bears .
A háwa táraha’ wituutákiirit   kíwiiku’ a táraha’
And also buffalos he saw them , bulls and buffalos
riiruurakuurahuraaru .
their being all kinds .
Ti’ahuuciirit ti’irii’ahaariki tíkskurit iriruuwitiiku hi
This that he saw there where he stood near there it sat and
wituutickitaahurusku rútki rihwakiihu ratawattahu ritkúhiri’ .
it was coiled a snake what they say its rattling on the tail .
A rútkucu’ ahása rítaku hawa rútkucu’ rakúrihuuru .
And a big snake it was lying there also a big snake a big one .
A i’ahása riirataruuci witikspaki’aahu’ rataraakuuki
And there it lay where the fire was they say our people
áwakiks .
a water monster .
A ii’ahatkatáku icáskucu’ .
And there it sat by the fireplace a large turtle .
Hawá aháku cácikskucu’ .
Also there sat a tarantula .
Kítuu’u’ riiruurakuuráhuraaru irastáhuraaru kítuu’u’
All their being different kinds those kinds that are all
wituuhaawiirit .
he saw them .

Táku’ kukara’ahawákaahu’ .
Anyone he was not saying anything .
Aáka’   hiiii   raaríksisu’ raaruu’ahihaáhka káhcu’ hiru
Oh , heee , truly there was just the smell of it medicine then
iirakuhkiihahkahaarawiriira .
that room smelling nice .
Iiruutasawaahat   hi witaruutari’ kúrakuuru
Those sitting around , and he was doing it its being like
wirihkuutirihaarahuuru ríhuksu’ ríwaaka     Ráwa
their being ready for anything only if he says , ' Now
sisucuksuurikut     kici riiruurakuuwaaka    
you all catch him , " but anyone saying it , '
wirakuutirihaarahuuru raakuuwii’ahistarit .
when you get ready you are going to swing around .
Wirakuutirihaarahuuru .
Now get ready .
Kúrakuuru wirakuuwiriwiihaa’istarit .
Its being like now you are going to pounce on him .

Wiruu’irarihkitawiku ahiwáku’     Takú’ karaahiwaakasta
Then that one who was leader he said : ' Anyone he is not going to talk
kíriku’ .
anything .
Rikuuhakítawi’ irárahkaawi .
He is the leader (of) those inside .

  Iraasáriki iriwiruutasikítawi’ .
' You standing there you are the leader .
Wisitataraa’u iriikuruuhasiwaakasta .
We have turned it over to you whatever you are going to say .

Ráwa ahawáku’     Iriwitúraahi .
Now he said : ' It is good .
Táku’ karaahasiwaakasta kíriku’ tatuuhaara’íhku’ .
Anyone he is not going to say it anything I mean it .
  Witiiraakii .
" It was a long time .
  Tatuuhaara’ihku’ tiraáriki iriruutacista tirituúta .
' I mean this one he is going to be as he is .
Hi wiriihaakusit rákuuta isirihkuutacikskaapaakisu  
And I have decided for it to be for him to be blessed ,
kusiracihkuruuha   raa’iítusu’   tiraakucuksawactaa’uu’a  
for us to give him something , words , even if it is a small amount ;
hi ístu rií’at hi riwiriraakita rakuraa’iiwaati
and again he'll go and that is the reason for him to tell the story
tiriwiruuhaa’iirit .
this that he has seen .
Ráwa tatuuhaara’íhku’ .
Now I mean it .

Hi aharaawakaáhta’ .
And they called out .
Witiraacikstiihú’ .
They were glad .
  Ráwa     irawíhat riwitihwaki’aahu’ .
' Now , " those that is what they were saying .
Hi iruútasawaahat kúwituurit cáhiks hi kici ahá’ut
And those sitting around they looked like people and but they were
rahúrahki iriiruurakuurahuraaru .
animals their being all kinds .

Ráwa irikúhuutasitit tiwákaahu’     Hiiii .
Now whatever happened he said : ' Heee .

Iraáriki sikuhiiruucirasawacitiksa’ .
That one they took him out .
Istú wiruu’ahiíku irii’ahúksku .
Again there he sat where he had sat .
Ráwa kiíwaks isi’ahahaawari’   a istú
Now geese they (du) were swimming there , and again
si’ahahaawari isírahaapi pasakípiriiru’ .
they (du) were floating those (du) trees young cottonwood trees .
Híru ahuúcaa’ .
Then he got up .
Rikuhuctakuráru’ iraarurahwari ciru isikaraririirahuupu
It was so many days as he wandered yet their not having taken him in
rahúrahki iraahpaariíspari ríkucki
the animals while he would be hunting them birds
iraarapaawariku .
as he would be shooting them .
Kuuhatirattara cirú ira’u piíraski .
He had a bow and arrows yet his being a boy .
Hiru raaruukuruuhí’at .
Then he just went there .
Hi rikuuháwicat iriiráhuraaru .
And then he arrived where the place was .
Iriwitúksaka rahúrahki .
It was a lodge there animal .
Iriwiruutuciraawita tirataraakakitaahku Paári sihiihaa’iiwicata
It was the final way (of) this our tribe Pawnee their seeing the end of it
sirihkurahuukata cáhiks sirihkuutacikskaapaakisu .
when they took him in the person when they blessed him .

Hawa ruúrihiira’ kici tihwakí’aahu’ siwitiicikspakuhka .
Also further on but they say they repeated it .
Wituksuraahtáku witikspakí’aahu’ Kiicawiicáku .
There was a place they call it Spring On The Bank .
Wituksitat hiru rikuhiíhi’   kici kaakaatiraa’iita .
There was a village there wherever it was , but I do not know it .
Kici hawa iriwitihwakí’aahu’ raa’iituspákihtu’ .
But also that is what they tell old stories .
Kiicawiicáku sikariiraa’iita iriirakuuhaarihku   kici
Spring On The Bank they don't know what that means , but
rihwakí’aahu’ wituksuraahwaaruksti’ .
they said it was a sacred place .
Hawa ririhwakí’aahu’ rakuksuraahwaarukstii’u   a hawá
Also they used to say its being a sacred place , and also
rii’ahukskitki rátaraakuuki Paári ákitaaru’ .
they used to camp there ourselves Pawnee tribe .
Hi ahikskiikawaakaruuku   hi ahuksuraahtaarit
And when they used to make new camps , and it was a spot
rakuhuraahwaarukstii’u .
to be a sacred spot .

Ráwa títaku irihi’ahicikspákuhka kúraa’u’ irarukstaatawi
Now here they repeated it doctors those who used to be among them
ruu Kiicawiicáku hi ahitpákuhka .
there Spring On The Bank and they repeated it .
Tihwakí’aahu’ títaku hiririiwákaahu’ tirihwakí’aahu tirukspihat
They were saying here he was saying their saying this these
cáhiks   hi riiraa’iiwaati hi riiwákaahu’
people , and when they told stories and he was saying
irawaakahu íraaku kutuciraara’ihku’ witúkskica
what he was saying that one he meant it there was water
kurakuuru rakuhuraaripiikicku hi
its looking like to be ground with seeping water and
karahuraaripiikicku kúrakuuru rikuraa’iitawi
its not being ground with seeping water its looking like their knowing it
rákica .
there being water .
Hiru riitaaraáwi’u’ wirihkusakuhwicaahu
Then at a certain time when the sun would come to a certain spot
riikuuhawaákariki   hi takaaraáhisu’ witihkickata’
where the sun stood , and all at once the water came up
ahaahatawi .
(from) the hole .
Iwiraakickataa kaakuhaara’ihku’ raakukickatawaruukaahu   kici
When the water came up it did not mean that it was bubbling , but
takaaraáhisu’ rakuhkiciwic .
all at once that the water would appear .
Hi witaahkiicicawaatat hi iratáku kukuhuksuktatáku hi
And the water would spill out and there it was sloping and
raahiírit witaahkiiciriwiraawiitit ruuraahkiiciriwiraawiitit
finally the water would spread out the water spreading out there
rakukiicirikispara   hiru riiraahkukicpara .
the water crawling around , there wherever the water would go .
Híriru tiiraawi’u’ hi istú taahkiiracakipiitit .
Thereupon it was a certain time and again the water would gather .
Hiru istú taahkictatatiitit ruu’rii’ahaahatawi .
Then again the water would gather there where the hole was .
Ráwa karuúrukstaapaa riikúhiihaara’íhku’ Kiicawiicáku
Now I guess whatever they used to mean Spring On The Bank
tíkskurit sirihkuhtawariku hi riikúhiikaara’ihku’ .
nearly their missing it and whatever they meant .

Ráwa títaku hi ririitpákuhka .
Now here and I am repeating this .
Kici tíraariki piíta cirú piíraski wití’   cirú raárit ihári’ rakú’u
And this man yet a boy he was , yet really young being
  cirú iraaruuriwari irariiwatira  
, yet when he was just going around when he was looking around ,
ríkucki irapaawáriku .
birds when he was shooting at them .
Ráwa hiru ahaá’ hi aharaa’iita tiwiruuhaa’iirit a
Now then he came and he knew it this that he saw and
tiwisiriiracikskaapaakisu .
since they had blessed him .
Ráwa rikuruuhiraawi’u’ iraruuhaa’iiriku rátaraakuki
Now it was about that time when he was seeing our people
isiriihuucawisu .
when they have the Doctor Dance .
Hi iraruuhaa’iiriku irihtawaruupaahi a   hi  
And when he was seeing them what they were performing and , ah ,
ruurukstaatawi rihkutawaruupaahi kúraa’u’
the way they used to have their performing doctors
rihkuwaarukstii’aari     witiraawaaruksti’ .
their becoming mysterious , oh , it was a wonderful way .
Iraáriki piíraski ahuhaakiriku .
That boy he watched them .

Hi ásku ruu’ahitaawat piíraski .
And one he picked him out a boy .
  Kí’isiira’ =. Táticka’ títaku racihkuwara .
' Come ! I want here for us to go .

Tíraaku cirú tirasaakariki tiwiraturaa’iiwaati ciru ásku piíta
This one yet today this that I am telling yet one man
tiriiku .
he lives here .
Ásku piíta ipátti iriwitaa’ .
One man his grandfather he came there .
Siwitiksisaasku’ irirataku   wituksasá’ Híkuctarus piíraski .
They used to call him right there ; he was named Mangy Bull the boy .
Hi tiraáku piíta witiruúcukstu’ piíra’u’ hi ahuksasá’
And this man he had a baby and he was named
tiwitiihucuksta’u Tiisahkiríku .
this one whom he had Looking Chief .
Tiraáku tihwaki’aahu’ títiri Riisaaru’ Rakaáwari .
This one they say now Walking Around Inside Chief .
Irihí cíkstit sitiiriita Taakaáhwaruc .
Otherwise well (ie better) he was known (as) Plump Boy .
Ráwa tíraaku iriwikuúsaa’ raárit ipáhti’ íraaku piíta .
Now this one that one was his really his grandfather that man .

Ráwa iraáriki piíta iriwití’ iriicirásata ruu
Now that one man he was the one the one whom he took there
kusirakuwara ríkucki sirakupaawariku .
their (du) going somewhere birds for them (du) to shoot them .
Hi siihawa irakaruusuhat .
And they (du) went that creek .
  Cirú tacihwáhuhta .
' Yet we are going to go .
Táticka’ raskuuhaa’iirit kíriku’ .
I want for you to see it something .

Aáka   hiru siihitawiraawa .
Oh , then they (du) went down .
  Títaku kí’ispiitit =.   Witihaapakaraarustahku irahukaatahaaruhat .
' Here sit down ! " There was a thicket along that line of trees .

Hiru ahúci’a   ásku rapakararuusu’ ahawiriít .
Then he did it : one a bush he picked it .
Hiru ahuhtaraaruhuriirit .
Then he cleaned it .
Witickiikarahtaarahuuricaku .
There were leaves on the tip .
Ruu ahiksukaata’uukut hi ahaahuurutkickusit .
Then he reached his hand over the bank and he took some mud .
Hiru ahirú’ huurutkiicu’ ríkucki .
Then he made it the mud a bird .
Witiiwiru’ ríkucki .
He made it in the image of a bird .
Hiru ahiitakus .
Then he put it on it .
Hiru ahihaattuu’at irakiícuhat .
Then he pointed the stick that creek .
Hiru ahuutaattuukitaahakusitit .
Then he began twirling the stick .
Wituutaattuukitaahaaku’   rakutaattuukitaahaku ratarapakiíhu .
He was twirling it , his twirling it as we say .
Hi híraaku irataku huurutkiícu’ hi ahuúta ahataparuúpat
And the other one on there the mud and it did it it moved around
ahuutaara rakuriiwatpaahi   rakupakstaparuupacu
its doing it its looking around , the head moving around
rakupaksawaawari ríkucki íraaku huurutkiícu’ .
the head flying around bird that one mud .

Hi riiwákaahu’ istú irahattaawari raahiírit íraaku
And he was saying again that stick moving around finally that one
ríkucki iraraaritpihtawaawi hi aharaaritpiiracaparuupac .
bird its wings and its wings moved around .
Hi ahuúcaa’   raawitiiwari .
And it arose : it just flew .
Hiru rikuuhuu’at .
Then it flew off .
Aáka   iriikuruuhiraawi’u’ hi istú ahuú’a’ .
Oh , it was about that time and back it flew .
Hiru iriirahaattiku hi istú iri’ahaá’ .
Then the stick which he held and again it came there .
Ruu’ahitawiítit hi ístu ruu’ahaáhaattuu’a’ .
There it perched and again then he brought the stick back .

Hiru ahiwáku’     Tiwiriíku .
Then he said : ' Here it sits .
Tári’ =. Sucíksuuríkut kici iráha’u huurutkiicu’ =. Hi
Here it is ! Take it but that which I made mud ! And
ríkucki riwirií’ iruksáwari .
the bird it is the one that which was flying around .

Irii’ahuutawaa’uurikut kurakuuru kici
He was holding that its being like that but
rii’ahiruurukstaatawi kúrakuuru .
that used to be the way among us its being like that .
  Suciksawaa’uurikut cíkstit =. Hawa ituutawaa’uurikut .
' Feel it well ! Also then I'll feel it .

Ráwa iriwítuuta iri piíta .
Now he did that that one man .
Ráwa títaku iriwítuuta íraaku Pácaa’a iraaku piíraski
Now here he did that that Pacha that one boy
rikuctáerasi rakuuhaa’iirit .
the hanging bird his looking at it .

Kici riikuhuuhaaráru’ iriikúhuuta sikúhiitiirit .
And however many times it was what he did they saw him .
Ráwa wisíriiriita rakuwaárukstií’u .
Now they knew it his being wonderful .
Wisihiiraa’iita iruksawihurahac isihikstahuukata rahúrahki
Now they knew it when he disappeared when they took him in the animals
Paaháku iraarakaawi rahúrahki .
Pahaku that lodge animal .

Ráwa títaku ririhwaki’aahu’ rikuhiihi’ iraruksuriiwaawi
Now here they say it was there that being where they used to live
rátaraakuki irikuuhiihí’ ákitaaru’ tí’ahaciksaaha
our people wherever it was the tribe here where they used to live
tihiiwisihiicikstakatawaawi cáhiks uupiíru’ .
when these others used to fight people different .
Hi kuhuuháhwicat .
And a war party arrived .
Aáka   witikuhictahaariwiitit .
Oh , they fought each other .

Hi íraaku Pácaa’a irisikuuhíhcat .
And that one Pacha he was shot .
Irisikuuhihkakuscat .
They shot him in the stomach .
Rikutihwakí’aahu’ rictahkakuskat ruurisikuuhíhcat  
They say in the intestines there is where they shot him ,
rakuturaahuhtawii’u cáhiks riicaksu iriratáku kararakuu’u
its being a difficult spot a person if he is shot right there its not being
iriruu’uutaara Kaakí’ rakuukísika .
that one could do it He could not survive .

Ráwa iwisiriirikstuuwaaha   hiru ahuciisitit
Now when they took the arrow out of him , then he became that way
kúrakuuru raakukickaa’a .
its being like that liquid coming out .
Rikuuhiihi’ ratarattaarukaawirakuki rakurahkawataku .
It was there the contents of our bodies for them to be coming out .

Ráwa hiru ahiwáku’ íraasa     Táticka’
Now then he said that one : ' I want
siraskukuutacikskaapaakisu .
for you to pity me .
Táticka írakiicuhat siraskukuurata hi si’iskuuwiha’i .
I want that river for you to take me and throw me in the water .
Táticka siraskukuuwiha’iira .
I want for you to throw me in the water .

Hi kara’ahiíci’a .
And they did not do it .
Ráwa títaku riirihwaki’aahu’ .
Now here this is what they say .
Hiru ritiihí’ rahúrahki isiriirahuukata .
There it was the place the animals where they took him in .
Híru rahúrahki iriwitíha’uukut .
Then an animal it went in the water .
Isihírahuukat sahi   rahúrahki irihwakiíhu   hi
They took him in waterdog , an animal that which they call it , and
ahú’ sihiirahuukata .
it was the ones taking him in .
  Ráwa   kúraa’u’   tiwirisiriihaat .
' Now , doctors , this is all yours .
Kiíki rastapakista =.   Ráwa títaku iriwiriíhi’ irawaaka
What are you going to say ? " Now here it was the place that he said
para iriiruuraahkuci’a kíriku’ íraariki hiru iriiraraarasta
what would have happened something that one there where they belong
rahúrahki rakuracakipiitit sirihkuuraahiirika .
the animals their being gathered they might have healed him .
Istu raakukataa’a irakiícuhat kukararakuuci’a
Again he would have come up that river there being nothing (wrong with him)
para iriirakuutasitit .
it might have happened that way .

Kici sikaraahiriiwakura hi kara’ahuciisitit hi ahahuráhac
But they did not heed his words and it did not happen and he died
piíta .
the man .

Iriwiruutuciraa’iitusu’ .
Here is the end of the story .