XML version dated March 02, 2004. © Douglas R. Parks, Indiana University.


The Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851

Alfred Morsette

wetatunaaʾiitíštA niiʾAhnuutAxiruútIt atípAt wehnaaWIsá tiihéʾ niiwehnatoxtaahnaanoótA.
I am going to tell it things that happened the President when he arrived here where we were living.
tiíNI tiwe- neetuuNUxtaaʾít wehnatoxtaakítAt čituúʾuʾ
Now this is what I am telling when we were living together
sáhniš wiitatshaánuʾ na káNIt aniwenapsiraanátA wehnaraakox-
Arikaras, Hidatsas, and Mandans those years when they
khaahwaawaáhNA saNIštaaká wehnaWIskáʾA witiʾaasihpAxtAh-
made treaties the white man his wanting it that we put our
čituunáʾU saNIsahníš nakuraawiʾiiruútIt NAxUhuúnuʾ
heads together the Indian to quiet things down the warring
Ahnoxtaawaáhu witohniškawooruutikú pakúhtuʾ
things that were coming when they were killing one another long ago,
witohništawaa- tawaawaʾuutUxukú xaawaarúxtiʾ aninaraáčI.
when they used to steal them from each other horses all those things.
wah saNIštaaká atípAt wewitinaráʾU atípAt kaahunaahčituúʾuʾ.
Now the white man the President he turned himself into him the President the entire country.

wah tiihéʾ itUhtaáwe AhnuxtaanoótA nikuwetAhnaa- taraʾóʾ
Now here Bismarck where they lived that is what I'm talking about
xunaáNIš AhnuxtaanoótA nooWIšiteenáʾ naawinaaʾiíwat.
soldiers where they camped then they brought it a letter.
kanuxtsaweekáʾIt kataroópiʾIš aninuutunaanuúčI na hatUhwaapsíšuʾ.
There were not things among us (like) cars (in) those times or trains.
naawinaaʾiíwat nooWIši- teenáʾ nakuuhUhwáhnaʾ
The letter then they brought it the steamboat
wenehkUhuuʾá tiihéʾ tinakaahunaanoótA.
when it came up (the river) here this country.
nooWIšiteeniwísaʾ naawinaaʾiíwat niiʾAhnatoxtaahnaanoótA
Then they arrived with it the letter where we were living
AhnatoxtaakítAt čituúʾuʾ.
our being camped together.

na atíkaʾ hiʾáxtiʾ saNIštaaká witíʾ.
And my grandmother her father a white man he was.
nikunoowitikúxIt naawinaaʾiíwat a nikuwitiraaʾiitawíhuʾ.
He took that one the letter, and that is what he told.
Then they called him (another man).
WIšitiisuxtaʾíhkuʾ kaniítuʾ.
They used to call him Stone.
wituxwákoʾ saNIštaaká na sáhniš na nikuwewituutAhnaaʾiitawíhuʾ
He spoke English and Arikara, and he was telling them that
sáhniš niinawaakAhú tinaákUx naawinaaʾiíwat
the Arikaras what it was saying this letter
atíkaʾ steétAhkas šohnuxtíRA saNIštaaká.
my (great) grandmother Eagle Woman when they (du) were together the white man.

Then he told it.
witiwaákoʾ anuú niikohnuutIsaNIš- tanaánuʾ ačitaánuʾ oopiínuʾ
He said: "There however many people there are tribes different
tinakaahunaanoótA wetiraahUhtačipiiruutíštA niihéʾ
this country now they are going to assemble there
WIskhuúnuʾ huukaahaá- nuʾ.
Platte River (lit shell river).
atípAt nikuwetiwískaʾ NAxkuraanaanátA tiNAxtAhnaanoótA
The President now he wants that for you to go there you who live here
ačitaánuʾ táWIt.
tribes three."

wah inaákUx šohniisuxtéhku sákaaʾA -- hiʾáxtiʾ
Now that one whom they used to call (Son of) Star -- his father
kuwituuxAxaáʾA NAhtAsuutaaká -- witiwaákoʾ Axtóh tunaahé.
he was named White Shield -- he said: "Surely it's good
We will do that.
We will go.
wah tákuʾ kaakU- sunaaNIsiíšuʾ aniihéʾ niiNAhunaanoótA WIskhuúnu
Now no one knows the place there where the place is Platte
huukaa- haánuʾ.
číkuʾ kaakataraahWIswaawanúʾ aniihéʾ.
We have never traveled to that place there.
niku- titeewaáhAt paatúh.
That is territory enemy."

na witiwaákoʾ nuuxAxaáNU Axunána tsu
And he said the one named Carries Moccasins: "But
tatiinahUxuúkuʾ niihéʾ.
I am always coming there.
atítat šiteeNAhtákuʾ šaahéʾ.
My sister she is married to him a Cheyenne.
tiihéʾ tihaweenihUxuúkuʾ taWIšaápis noota- tihwísaʾ.
Here it usually takes days eight; then I arrive.
tatsunaaNIsiíšuʾ niiweniihiíʾU niiwenaRAsačipiiruu- tIštáNIt paatúh oopiínuʾ.
I know the place where it is where they are going to gather enemies different.
nawáh koxtoohnaahnaaʾiitáWI.
Now I will tell you (pl)."

nooWIšitiitakáxaʾ wiitatshaánuʾ nuuxAxaáNU
Then they called them (du) the Hidatsa the one named
kuúNUx čiitíʾIš -- wiitatshaánuʾ íhUx witúx psíʾaʾ -- na
Four Bears -- Hidatsa half he was Assiniboine -- and
uunaákUx káNIt.
the other a Mandan.

na witiwaákoʾ káNIt Axtóh tunaahé.
And he said the Mandan: "Certainly it is good.
sáhniš šikoxtiítI.
The Arikara I will be with him.
We will go."

wiitatshaánuʾ nookanawitiiwískaʾ.
The Hidatsa then he did not want it.
noowituhnaanoo- huunaawaanúʾ.
Then he made excuses.
noowitiwaákoʾ niihéʾ tIhunuuwá paatúh kananaateeraakoxkhaáNU.
Then he said: "There they go about enemies ones we are not friendly with.
na akuraahnaanunáx na aatakuraahnaanuuNAhát.
And if they should find us and they will wipe us out.
NItkú aahnooniraákUx niikooNAxuxtaa- pískaʾ aatohnaakaáNA.
Just let the matter be whatever you wanted 'that we do.'"

noowitiwaákoʾ– tinaákUx– sákaaʾA– nuuxAxaáNU číkuʾ kaa- kuúʾUt.–
Then he said– this– Star– the one named "It doesn't matter.–
tsu– kuwetataraákIt.
But– now we are the same.
tsu– koxtiraápoʾ.– koxtíʾAt.
But– we will go.– I will go."

nooWIšitiisakUhkúxIt niinakUsakuúNU.
Then they picked a day which day it was.
nootiraáNAt xaahíniʾ xaawaarúxtiʾ AhnaraaničitáWI.
Then they went by horse, horses their riding.

aniihéʾ wiisuʾ huukaahaánuʾ tištaaʾiitawihUxuúkuʾ niiháʾA koohaáhniniʾ
There (on the) Heart River they used to tell about it there on the prairie:
áxkUx wiiteešútš noowitiiNAhunaaxi- hUxítIt.
one young man he then began to get sick.
čiwakiihániʾ kuwituuxAxaáʾA.
Young Fox he was named.
noxtakúʾU šiteh- núxtI.
His wife they (du) must have been together.

a noowitiwáčiʾ sáhniš sákaaʾA šiisuuxapitaawaá- hAt.
And then they said Arikaras Star: "You (du) turn around!
You (du) go home!
He might get worse.
tsu koxtiraápoʾ.
But we will go on."

tiwenaraanátA wituuxawé nooxíniʾ na nikuwituuxa-
When they went it was days ten; and those were the days
nooxíniʾ niiwenaraanátA WIskhuúnuʾ huukaahaánuʾ niiwehneetunaáhkUx.
ten when they went there Platte River where the large village was.

a inaákUx wiitatshaánuʾ kuúNUx čiitíʾIš nuukuwiteh-
And that one the Hidatsa Four Bears he came
natUhkáʾ wekananiWIskáʾA aataátA wehnuhnaanoo- huunaánu.
there in the rear his not wanting 'that I go,' his making excuses.

anuú witiRAhwísAt niiháʾ waakatítkAt.
And there they arrived there in the Black Hills.
noo- witiwaákoʾ tinaákUx nuuxAxaáNU Axunána wah
Then then he said this one the one named Carries Moccasins: "Now
taanikutiraapaatúʾ tiihéʾ niitiNAhunaanoótA.
this is where there are enemy here where this land extends.
iteehkuhnaakeéRIt koxtakuraakawoótIt.
If they see us they will kill us."

wah šitehnihnaaʾiitáWI kuúNUx čiitíʾIš.
Now they must have told him Four Bears.
noowitii- huuninuʾá.
Then he became frightened.
Then he went in the middle.
weNAhkukatis- tatateétIt uukaríkAt noowewititawíʾAt.
When it became dark in the middle then he went among them.
Ahnooxawip- sáWI nuukuwitehnatUhkáʾ kanaahniWIskáʾA
The one who was last there he came last his not wanting
aataátA tsu wešohniNUhuuninuwaahátkA noowewituutiikáʾAt weNAhkuraanátA.
'that I go,' but when they were frightening him, then he went in the middle as they went.
na wenehkuutakeéNA noowiwi- tuutiikaʾús.
And when they would camp overnight then he slept in the middle.
wituutiikAxá wenehkitkáwa.
He lay in the middle when they slept.

anuú wehnaraanátA noowitiwaákoʾ anináʾU wiítA Axunána
Then while they were going then he said that man Carries Moccasins
-- tehnuxčipiriíʾI siíno naahwaa- NAsareehUxúhAt
-- he must have been young yet: "Those blue mountains yonder
itaraaNAhWIsátA neešiisiitituuneéRIt WIskhuúnuʾ huukaahaánuʾ.
when we arrive, we will see the village Platte River.
It must be the village."

wenaraanátA hiíš wewitiíhiʾ wehnaRAh- čitoókUt niiʾAhnawaaNAsareehUxúhAt.
When they were going late afternoon it was now when they reached the top where the blue mountains were.
noowitaanitu- naáhkUx.
Then there was the village yonder.
noowitiwaákoʾ wah taanikutiíhiʾ.
Then he said: Now this is the place."

nuu wehnaRAhWIsátA noowiteekUxuuwiraáʾ xunaáNIš.
There when they arrived then they came running across the soldiers.
noowitihwáčiʾ suuxuneehaaNIhuúʾU.
Then they said "Be ready!
wetataku- raakaakawootíštA tinaraána.
They are going to kill us these coming.
xunáNIš tíʾIt.
Soldiers they are."

weneetakuNIskáʾa noowitiwáčiʾ tiweneešinii- naakakaáwa.
When they came to meet us then they said: "Here are your dwellings.
tiihéʾ nikukooxoohnaakeeníhuʾ.
Here this is where you will stay overnight.
xaawaarúxtiʾ šikoxtéhNAt.
The horses we will take them"

They must have been tired.
Then there was a corral
noo- WIšitiinaNAhuúkAt.
Then they took them into it.

tiihéʾ witeekaáwa akanaaNIsatwiíʾAt.
Here there were dwellings wall tents.
noowi- teenuutAhnaakaanuunanáʾ.
Then they brought them food.
uu witiraakaanunaaNIhuúʾU tsástš na čituúʾuʾ kaanuuniwaaraáʾuʾ
Oh, there was plenty of food, meat and all good food
xunaáNIš niinitkaanuunuúčI.
soldiers the kinds they eat.

na wehnihwaawáʾA wehninaakaaNUhkaroóku na noowi-
And when they ate while they were cooking and there
tiitUhkAxá haáwaʾ.
was a camp beside (them) also.
a či nikiišaáNIt sčiíri.
And here they were the ones Pawnees.
nooWIšiteewáʾ pítkUx.
Then they (du) came two.

nooWIšitiwaákoʾ číkuʾ nataraákIt.
Then they (du) said: "We are alike.
wah NAheešá nikuwetiwaaWIhtikúxtA atípAt.
Now tomorrow he is the one who is going to speak the President.
na niku- wetAhnaNAhnaaniRAxá.
And we will be the first ones.
nikuwešitItwaaWIhtíštA atípAt awít sčiíri tiNAhnaNAhnaanoótA.
We are to be the ones to talk (to him) the President first Pawnees we who are here."

tinaaríčI wiiteešútš kuwituuxAxaáʾA sčiriihániʾ.
This young man he was named Young Wolf.
hiʾáxtiʾ witíʾ sčiíri na šáxtiʾ Ahnóʾ sáhniš.
His father he was Pawnee, and his mother she was Arikara.
WIšitiisuxteehkUxuúkuʾ sčiriihániʾ.
They used to call him Young Wolf.

nawáh witAheešáʾ.
Now morning came.
noowitiitakáxaʾ wehnatoókUt taWIšaápis.
Then they called them when it was eight (o'clock).
They went.
There was a huge crowd of people.
na sčiíri kunoowitiraaniRAxá wešohnitwaaWIhtíku
And Pawnees they were the first ones when they spoke to him
wehninoohunoóku atípAt wehnaroohUhkaráʾU.
when they were making plans, the President when he made laws.

taanikukooxUtwanuúxuʾ tsu tiwešitatootAsíš- tA.
"This is how you will live but we are going to take care of you.
atípAt wetootAsštawíštA niikohniiraáčištA Išwánu.
The President he is going to take care of you however long it is going to be if you live."

tiíNI tiNAsaakaríčI tiweNAsakučiwiNIščeewaahú tsu
Now today when they are deceiving us, but
aninutunaanuúʾA wehnuhwakuniwaareétIt naaʾiitUxiwaaraáʾuʾ.
at that time he spoke well good words.

wah noowitiwaákoʾ sčiriihániʾ wah wetatuhnaakaaNIštát.
Now then he said Young Wolf: "Now we are finished.
wah sáhniš šištaahnaánaʾ.
Now, Arikaras, you (pl) come here!
sákaaʾA šiišakiRAxá sáhniš.
Star, you lead them the Arikaras!
wah wetuutaakiiwísAt.
Now it is their turn."

na nikunoowituúta.
And then that is what he did.
noowitiwaaWIhtikUxítIt wešinaraateewaawaníkA na witiwaákoʾ
Then he began to speak when they were making plans, and he said
atípAt tsu wačéh tatskáʾ witiiNAsIhkuutIštatataawaahakú.
President: "But, poor us, I want that we help each other.
atípAt tinaákUx nikuwetikiináʾ tiwenatohnaakAxá saNIsahníš
President this that one sent me for me to call you Indians
čituúʾuʾ– hawá piirátš NIhkuwaaWIhtikú saNIštaaká niitina-
all,– also children for them to speak English here as I
tuútA witinataakuunaakItkawoóku.
do for us to understand each other.
atípAt niikoh- niiraačíštA kooxeerakaanunaawaaʾuúhuʾ.
The President however long it might be he will be giving you food.
niinaakoosšoówa kooxeéʾu.
Whatever you want he will give you.
na kooxiniisaapéhNAt niinakUhunaahteewaá- hAt
And he will fence you where the land is bounded
niiNAxkukaaʾaáhNA saNIsáhniš.
where you live inside Indians.
tinakaahunaanoótA niikooNAxtaNAhnaanáWA saNIsahníš
This country wherever you (pl) live Indians
kooxiniinaahnaateehuúʾU niinakUsunaanuúʾA niiNAxkukaaʾaáhNA.
you will have your portion where the land is where you may live within.
hunaánuʾ kooxi- raaNAseeWAhuúʾU niinakukaaʾaáhNA
The land you will each receive your portion where one may live within
witi- nakuutakanáʾU.
for one to build himself a dwelling."

wah taanikuwitiraaʾiitúxIt niikohniiraačíštA sáhniš
Now these were the words: "However long it is going to be Arikaras
tsihtšičiítU tsu atípAt kooxootIštatataawaahaákuʾ.
our living but the President he is going to help you.
na piirátš nooniiraNAxáhAt na NIhwaaWIhtíku saNIštaaká
And children so they will grow up and when they are speaking English,
na witiisiiNItkawoókuʾ tiíNI niitinuútA
and then we will be understanding each other today as it is now
tiwitinatoonaakItkawoóku saNIštaaká.
when we understand each other English.
wah nikuwitiraáʾIt.
Now that is the way it is.
The way has passed (ie it is all over).

wiiteešútš wetatskáʾ NAxkikiíhA xunaáNIš
"The young man I now want for you to give him to me a soldier
NItkunuxtawé číkuʾ nooneeraawaáta NAxUhuúnuʾ tsu
for me to have him enlisted should one arise war and
saNIsahníš titawéʾ witiiNAsIhkuu- tIštatataawaahakú.
the Indian he will be enlisted for us to be helping each other."

wah nikuwitiraáʾIt wešohnaráʾU weWIšitina- pAxtAhčituunáʾU.
Now that is the way it was when they made it their put- ting their heads together.
Then they shook hands.

noowitiwaákoʾ tinaaríčI sčiriihániʾ wetatohnaáka.
Then he said this Young Wolf: "We have done it.
ačitaánuʾ oopiínuʾ wetiitaakiiwísAt.
Tribes other it is now their turn."

noowitiraanuučitáʾAt tUhkaákaʾ.
Then they went onto it (a platform) Crows.
They were the first ones.

noowitiwáčiʾ tinaaríčI wiiteešútš saNIsahníš tiwe-
Then they said: "This young man Indian this
nuxwaaWIhtikú niiwenaraateehUhkaráʾU niikoxtinii-
that he has been speaking his making the rules I will have
satuúnuʾ čeésuʾ.
(ie travel) that road myself.
It'll be that way (ie the same).
It is not going to be different.
wetátskaʾ tsu niiʾinátkUx niiNItwanú wetatuutAsštéʾ
I want but there where I live where I go about I am used to it
niinátkUx niihéʾ tsu NItkuwaawanú niiwenatUsunaaNIsšú.
where I live there but where I go about where I know the land."

na uuwenaraanawáNA ačitaánuʾ oopiínuʾ wekuwituh- naaʾúʾ.
And those others tribes different it was that way.
wah nikukooxuúʾUt niiwenawaákA sáhniš nuu- wenaaʾá hunaahkoohaáhkAt.
"Now it is thus as he said the Arikara who came there (from) the north.
wah niiwešinaroohUhkaráʾU atípAt nikukoxtinihnaaʾúʾ čeésuʾ.
Now what they (du) have planned the President I feel that way too.
wah číkuʾ kaaki- roočiwináxtA.
Now it is not going to be any different."

wah tiraawíʾAt.
Now it was the end.

nuu wewiteeRAhkaawaahUxítIt.
There now they all began to dance.

noowitiwaákoʾ tinaákUx sákaaʾA šohnihnéhku --
Then he said this Star the one they call --
kutehnuuxAxaáʾA kaawikaáʾ haáwaʾ wah wetiraasš-
he must have been named Comes Last also: "Now now they are
teehuúʾU tiweNAxkuusiRAxá.
glad for your bringing me.
inoó číkuʾ šinikiíhA číkuʾ neétAhkas áxkUx uuxaWAsiítU
If they give me something any an eagle one even if it is a feather
tsu wekutAxiíʾI.
but it'll be yours."

na tiwehnaRAhkaawaáhu tiwehnaraačiškawaáhNA
And while they were dancing while they were having a good time
paatúh oopiínuʾ wehnaraakačiíšU
the enemy (tribes) different when they were happy
wešohninaaNUhuuNAsšteehuúNU tinaákUx kaawikaáʾ
when they were thankful this Comes Last
wešohniinaawoóhu xaawaarúxtiʾ niinakuuNUxeereetikú
when they gave them to him horses the best looking ones
wešohninaaNUhuuNAsšteehuúNU wešohniinaa- woóhu wah
their being thankful when they gave them to him, now
tinaákUx Axunána witiwískaʾ Axtóh číkuʾ kaakAxtá.
this Carries Moccasins he thought: "Surely you have nothing.
tsu wetAxwakuNAxéʾ niiweNAxwaákA.
But you have already promised (it) what you said."

wah tinaákUx kaawikaáʾ nikuwitiiraaniwáNIt
Now this Comes Last that is where he made a mistake:
číkuʾ kanawitiíʾu tinaákUx na witeesštaahuúna Axunána.
he did not give him anything this one, and he became angry Carries Moccasins.
noowitiwaákoʾ wah niišuxtaapóʾ.
Then he said: "Now you (pl) go on!
tsu nikukoxtuúta koxtitawíʾAt nii atítat wenaátA šaaheerákAt.
But I will do that: I'll go among them where my sister her going to Cheyenne country."

niiwehnaátA noowitiiNAhnaačiteeʾá.
After he went there then it became difficult for them.
noowitiiNAhnaahunáhAs niihnuxtaanátA.
Then they became lost where they went.
AhnoowitikoohaahkAhu- nuuwaawikáʾIt na taRAhtšíniʾ
Then they just wandered all around on the prairie, and barely
AhnaaRAhwísaʾ tiihéʾ niiʾAhnatoxtaakítAt.
they arrived back here where our village was.

wah nikuwituhnaaʾúʾ xunaáNIš nootiRAsaʾiiruútIt wiiteešútš
Now it was that way: (as) soldiers then they enlisted young men,
neesiRAhpát tiwenuxtawé xunáNIš tiwehnaraanoótA
Bloody Knife when he was among them the soldiers, when they went
nuxtsawé xunáNIš tiwenuuxunuúWI xunaNIškuNAhúx.
the enlisted ones soldiers these who lived the old scouts.
nikunaraačitáWI aniweNUsuuxa- taawaáWI.
That is the reason (for) those graves (in the Scout Cemetery).

na piirataápoʾIš tiwenaraatoókUt wenaraaNIsku- NAhwó niiháʾ–
And students when it was time when they went to school there–
waakanítkAt na hoowáʾAš tiʾAhnuuxakaáWI
at Fort Stevenson, and Reverend Charles Hall where the school
piirataápoʾIš nikuwitux- tAhwóʾ haáwaʾ.
(lit student dwelling) was, that is where they went also.
nootatakuhnaakiiwísAt tiwenataraapaaWIh- tikú saNIštaaká.
Then it was our turn when we were speaking (ie learning) English.
nikuwituhnáʾA nikuwitiraa- koxkhaána niihéʾ
That was the reason: there became friendship (ie a peace treaty) there
WIskhuúnuʾ huukaahaánuʾ 1851.
(on) the Platte River (in) 1851.